Belfast Metropolitan College
Belfast Met is the largest further and Higher Education College in Northern Ireland and one of the largest in the UK.

Criminal Justice

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
Social WorkHigher Education (degree)

In deze les zitten 70 slides, met interactieve quiz, tekstslides en 4 videos.

time-iconLesduur is: 120 min

Onderdelen in deze les

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Useful reading... Canvas
  • Marsh, I and Melville, G. (2011) Moral panics and the British media- a look at some contemporary folk devils. Internet Journal of Criminology (online). 
  • Swift and Sure Justice: The Government’s Plans for Reform of the Criminal Justice System
  • Youth and Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland- Tim Chapman and David O’Mahony

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Group Contract
Take Part/ contribute
Respect each other and the lesson
Phones off
Ask for help if needed
Limit distractions

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Groups & Hosts
In your groups read your section of the document on canvas and prepare a summary for the class.
Group 1- Pauline, Mia, Marni, Danielle, Noeleen, Cathy, Danni
Group 2: , Rebekah, Natasha, Leyla, Faith, Rebecca, Ashleigh
Group 3: - Michelle, Helen, Orlaith F, Stacey, Julie, Diane
Group 4- Orlaith D, Megan, Marlene, Torri,  Caitlin, Blaine
Hosts: Seamy, Colin, Laura, Jodi- Present 1 minute summary to class.

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4 Questions
  1. What are some of the areas where social work and criminal justice meet & what is the focus of social workers, working in criminal justice?
  2. What does a social worker working in probation do?
  3.  What is problem solving justice in NI?
  4. What is the difference in crime and deviance?

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Slide 17 - Video

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Split half and half, one group are the volunteers, one group are the interviewers. 
Task: Rank the "Deviant" acts from 1-15
15 is the MOST serious, 1 the LEAST serious.
Interviewers ask the following questions:  
  1. How did you decide on your ranking?
  2. What criteria did they use to judge the seriousness of the act? 
  3. Why are the least serious acts on the list against the law?

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What is a weakness of this approach?

Slide 26 - Open vraag

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Our Culture
We live in a surveillance culture
Everyone who has social media-easily traceable and easily identifiable. E.g. Face recognition/ auto-tagging. 
Foucault, (French philosopher) stated: 
“The Panopticon is an ideal architectural figure of modern disciplinary power. The Panopticon creates a consciousness of permanent visibility as a form of power, where no bars, chains, and heavy locks are necessary for domination any more.”

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Slide 30 - Video

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Group Work Activity
Split into 5 groups and take 1 section each from:
The White Paper Swift and Sure Justice: The Government’s Plans for Reform of the Criminal Justice System 
Sections include:
1. swift justice
2. sure "
3. efficient "
4. transparent"
5.accountable justice
Summarise to the class.

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Slide 49 - Video

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